Sunday, November 30, 2008

"louis riel: a comic-strip biography" by chester brown

i think it is appropriate that i finally got around to reading this now that i'm living in winnipeg. louis riel is a hero 'round these parts, with numerous establishments named after him and a couple imposing statues.

a graphic novel portraying part of the very interesting life of manitoba founder and politician, and metis rights activist, louis riel. a beautifully drawn, interesting read, i like this book more for what it is than its literary quality.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

"what we all long for" by dionne brand

there's a tenet in play writing of don't show us, tell us, and i think this novel could have benefited from that mantra. the majority of this novel takes place in the character's heads as they ponder their feelings. why couldn't these thoughts be shown through dialogue or action? i guess that's a benefit of writing prose, but i found myself at times getting a little fed up with how internal the story was. 

at its heart, this novel is the story of four friends: tuyen, carla, oku and jackie, who all have complicated family and personal backgrounds. their stories are interspersed with chapters from the perspective of quy, the child tuyen's parents lost when they were immigrating to canada. 

at times, "what we all long for" felt like an advertisement for multiculturalism in canada. all the characters are visible minorities. there are two minor characters who are white; jackie's boyfriend who is referred to as "the german", and carla's mother, who killed herself. i'm not saying that this book is prejudice towards whites, but when tuyen, the vietnamese-canadian lesbian artist, is cycling through little italy and coming across spanish speakers, it was kind of like "ok, great, toronto is a mecca for everyone, let's move on".

i did enjoy this novel, but it's not one i would gush about to others. a quick and enjoyable read.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"boys in blue" by rebecca york, ann voss peterson, patricia rosemoor

this is only the second romance i've read, but i think i've got the formula down. take one strong career woman (lawyer, business owner etc.) with deep-seated insecurities, mix with an archetypal alpha male in the form of a cop or firefighter who is battling with his own demons. have each character save the other, mix in some fleeting glances and incidental touching, one sex scene and a proposal at the end.

this is part of the harlequin "intrigue" series that combines a romance with a mystery. it's broken into three parts that all deal with a different eligible male cop as he and his lady companion, attempt to solve the overarching mystery.

terribly written, but highly entertaining. in the absence of tv, this is my mindless fun.

"Lightning crackled in the sky above him - as though nature has conspired to provide a backdrop for danger."

"She reached out and laid a hand on his arm, which was rock hard under her fingers. She fought the urge to run her hand over the thin cotton of his dress shirt, to massage his tension away."

"Slipping an arm under her back, he lifted Becca so that they were sitting face-to-face and chest-to-chest. She shifted and slid her arms up around his neck, and this time when their lips met, so did their worlds."

Monday, November 10, 2008

"goja" by suniti namjoshi

don't read this book unless you have to.