Friday, December 5, 2008
Summer of My Amazing Luck - Miriam Toews

Sunday, November 30, 2008
"louis riel: a comic-strip biography" by chester brown

Thursday, November 20, 2008
"what we all long for" by dionne brand

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
"boys in blue" by rebecca york, ann voss peterson, patricia rosemoor

Monday, November 10, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
"sorry" by gail jones

Friday, October 17, 2008
"kiss of the fur queen" by tomson highway

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
"the penelopiad" by margaret atwood

Friday, September 12, 2008
"the odyssey" by homer, translated by robert fagles

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
"whale music" by paul quarrington

"whale music" is the story of desmond howl. once a hugely successful musician, des now wears little more than a bathrobe and spends his time in a california mansion reminiscing about the glory days while composing the titular opus.
this is classic paul quarrington. funny, seamless transitions from present to past, fully realized wonderfully human characters... mr.quarrington may be my new literary boyfriend.
Friday, August 15, 2008
"pride and prejudice" by jane austen

in standard 19th century lit form, nothing very exciting happens. there's a lot of gossip and parties and dinners and long walks but no car chases, sex, duels or deaths. things were simpler and more dramatic in those days. also, it's perfectly acceptable to marry your cousin.
this book is widely considered to be the prototype for the romantic comedy. while there definitely were moments where i smiled, i couldn't always tell whether certain situations and characters were meant to be funny or if i was just interpreting them that way.
this book successfully fulfilled my quota for a classic for this year.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
"the ravine" by paul quarrington

paul quarrington is incredible. his writing is effortless, flowing seamlessly from past to present. he has an uncanny ability for dialogue, directly transporting his readers to a specific time and place. the aspect of meta-fiction is also interesting as quarrington is writing about a writer who is writing a book.
a great and quick read. definitely recommended.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
"when you are engulfed in flames" by david sedaris

Friday, July 11, 2008
"the glass castle" by jeannette walls

jeannette walls' childhood involved getting severely burnt at the age of 4 when cooking hot dogs for herself, making her own braces, colouring her legs with markers in an attempt to hide the holes in her pants, sewing a gash in her father's arm with needle and thread, eating food found in trash cans at school and sleeping in a cardboard box. to say her parents were laissez-faire would be an understatement; the walls' believing in self-sufficiency and learning from your mistakes. often full of tales of neglect and abuse, jeannette never plays the victim and the story comes off as a unique and entertaining memoir overflowing with life lessons and truths.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
"water for elephants" by sara gruen

90something jacob jankowski recalls his days as a vetrinarian in a circus during depression-era america. he makes good friends, mortal enemies and falls in love with the star of the equestrian act, marlena, and a polish-understanding elephant, rosie.
the story took me a while to get in to, but i commend gruen for the painstaking research she evidently required to realistically portray not only the 1930's, but a travelling circus in the 1930's.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
"do travel writers go to hell?: a swashbuckling tale of high adventure, questionable ethics and professional hedonism" by thomas kohnstamm

the book follows kohnstamm on his first lonely planet project as he attempts to cover the entire north-east corner of brazil in an impossibly short time frame. during his travels, he drinks to excess, parties until all hours, sleeps with random women and even resorts to selling ectasy to tourists to help his funds.
a quick and entertaining read, "do travel writers go to hell?" squashed my lonely planet writer dream, but perhaps that's for the best. one less option to consider.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
"lamb: the gospel according to biff, christ's childhood pal" by christopher moore

i think if i new more about jesus' life and the new testament, i would have liked this book more. i have a feeling there's a lot of nudge-nudge wink-wink's that i didn't get just by not being familiar with the quirks of the apostles, the teachings of jesus and the stories behind christianity's celebrations. the book is funny, having some killer one-liners and hilarious dialogue, but these get less and less frequent as the story progresses and joshua heads towards his demise.
a strong novel, but not my cup of tea. perhaps i'm wrong, but it often felt like christopher moore forced situations in order to put in some tidbit of jesus' life in the story. the story dragged on in parts and i would frequently get the characters mixed up and not understand what was going on. maybe i should have paid more attention.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
"the beautiful miscellaneous" by dominic smith

Sunday, June 1, 2008
"gods behaving badly" by marie phillips

Saturday, May 24, 2008
"late nights on air" by elizabeth hay

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
"quiet please: dispatches from a public librarian" by scott douglas

it's not that it is bad, it's just not very good. if i didn't work in a library, i would have stopped reading it. considering how much i love douglas' regular mcsweeney's column, "dispatches from a public librarian", i thought this book would be just as great. not so. the humour is often stupid, the writing is sub-par and his grand philosophical statements about a librarian serving the community come off as shallow and narcisstic. stick with mcsweeney's mr. douglas.
Friday, May 16, 2008
"the loss of leon meed" by josh emmons

i found the ending not quite up to par with the rest of the story, but it's hard to have a satisfying ending to a story with so many diverse characters and some unexplainable phenomena. a review i read said "it sets up expectations it cannot fufill", which is pretty spot on. it's still a stellar book that'll warrant a re-read in a couple of years. i anxiously await josh emmons next book.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
"the know-it-all: one man's humble quest to become the smartest person in the world" by a.j. jacobs

Monday, May 5, 2008
"the luck of ginger coffey" by brian moore

this book won the governor general's award in 1960. it was a quick read.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
"the corrections" by jonathan franzen

at its core, "the corrections" is about the lambert family. there's the neurotic and over-bearing matriarch, enid, and her quickly deteriorating husband, alfred. there's their eldest child, gary; a privileged, yet clinically depressed suburbanite with a beautiful wife and three of his own boys. the middle child, chip, a former university professor fired for having an affair with a student, and denise, the youngest, a chef with her own restaurant and oodles of her own romantic problems. the characters and dynamic reminded me a lot of douglas coupland, though less extreme.
the book mostly consists of very large chunks about each character that often veer off into other large chunks about secondary characters with enough back story to form their own novels. at one point, enid and alfred take a cruise and there's a 20 page account from a women enid meets. at another point, chip goes to lithuania and there's 30 pages of how the country is falling apart and how such-and-such unpronounceable eastern european name is at war with another unpronounceable eastern european name and it became easy to stop paying attention and gloss over the words.
despite my many frustrations with this novel, franzen should be complimented for his vivid and unique descriptions, often hilarious situations and deeply moving account of a dysfunctional family
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
"the new york trilogy" by paul auster

the first, city of glass, follows a protagonist writer as he’s mistaken for a detective (named paul auster) and starts an obsessive watch of a recently released criminal. it’s bizarre and absurd and not much happens, but it’s fascinating to read.
the second, ghosts, is the story of blue, who’s hired by white, to watch black. white rents an apartment for blue on orange street where he can see directly in to black's window. black turns out to be quite dull, spending most of his time writing and reading thoreau. it’s bizarre and absurd and not much happens, but it’s fascinating to read.
the third, the locked room, is also the tale of a writer. he’s contacted by his childhood best friend’s wife after the friend disappears. the friend, fanshawe, told his wife, sophie, that if anything should ever happen to him she’s to contact this friend to read over his life’s work and deem if any of it is suitable for publishing. the protagonist writer friend publishes all fanshawe’s work, marries sophie and embarks on writing a biography about fanshawe. it’s bizarre and absurd and there’s much more action and plot than the first two novellas and it's fascinating to read.
there are many similar themes that run through these stories tying them together into a cohesive whole. they’re all meta-fictional with themes of watching/being watched, mistaken identities, existentialism, transformation and intrigue. while i'm not going to rush out to read paul auster's entire oeuvre, i'll definitely keep him in mind for future reading.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
"king leary" by paul quarrington

i couldn't think of anything i'd rather do less than read about hockey, but paul quarrington's storytelling is hilarious and vivid and flows seamlessly from past to present.
percival leary, the "king of the ice", was a hockey great in the early days of professional hockey. now, he shares a room with the cantankerous blue hermann, a former newspaperman who, coincidentally, spent much of his journalistic life, chronicling leary's career. the plot follows the two, along with their bizarre nurse, iain, as they embark on a trip to toronto where leary is to film a commercial for his drink of choice, canada dry ginger ale. however, this plot is secondary to leary's recollections of his career in professional hockey and the zany characters of his past.
a quick and enjoyable read, "king leary" is a wonderful reprieve from the often dire and isolation-themed annals of can lit.
Friday, April 4, 2008
"a tree grows in brooklyn" by betty smith

"a tree grows in brooklyn" is the story of francie nolan as she grows up in poverty in williamsburg, brooklyn during the early twentieth century. she's precocious and curious and resourceful and gives a wonderful perspective to her time and place. betty smith is incredibly sympathetic towards her characters and i found myself really caring about their trials and tribulations.
"a tree grows in brooklyn" is targeted towards the same "girl" demographic as books like "little women", but it's not overly sentimental or saccharine. the book reminded me a lot of gabrielle roy's "the tin flute" with the same time period and similar themes. it's a wonderfully simple, yet moving tale that is sure to remain a classic for many decades to come.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
"the year of living biblically: one man's humble quest to follow the bible as literally as possible" by a.j. jacobs

who knew that the bible forbid the wearing of clothes made of wool and linen? and not only that, but there is an association of people who will test your clothes for the offending mix. huh.
jacobs' year takes him to a creationist museum, the wailing wall in israel, a mega church, a hasidic dance party and many other wonderful and fascinating sites. he consults rabbis and pastors and other clergy on his quest to divine the interpretation of biblical passages that could be taken literally or metaphorically.
a touching, hilarious and insightful memoir, "the year of living biblically" had me up past my bedtime many nights.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
"outlander" by diana gabaldon

the first of a many part series, the book's protagonist is claire randall, an englishwoman readjusting to normal life after world war ii. married before the war, she was separated from her husband at its beginning to work as a combat nurse. claire and her husband are reunited after the war and go on a second honeymoon to scotland. roaming around the scottish highlands one day with a local, claire is taken to a stone henge-ish rock formation where she touches one of the rocks and is hurtled 200 years back in time. scotland in 1743 is rough and war-torn and she is soon caught up with a clan and catapulted into a new life of adventure.
despite it's 850 pages, i breezed through this page turner. there's a lot of fighting, intrigue and sex. yes, sex. lots and lots of sex. so much sex that i was almost embarrassed to read it in public. this novel’s a bit trashy, but well-written and immensely enjoyable. i’m not going to rush to read the sequel, but it was a good respite from my usual literature.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
"stoner" by john williams

while john williams certainly has a strong ability to create sympathy for a character, i wasn't as overcome as my colleague. "stoner" is the story of william stoner, who grows up as a single child on a farm. he goes to the city to get a degree in agriculture, but soon discovers a latent passion for literature and changes his course of study. the novel follows stoner as he starts a long teaching career at the university, marries, has a child, has an affair, upsets his colleagues, falls ill, eventually retires and dies.
a strongly written and minimalist book with flowing prose and beautiful descriptions, "stoner" is a portrait of a man who faces his many disappointments in life with a stoic-ness that is heartbreaking.
Monday, February 18, 2008
"then we came to the end" by joshua ferris

this book was just alright.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
"middlesex" by jeffrey eugenides
Friday, January 25, 2008
"early bird: a memoir of early retirement" by rodney rothman

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
"the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" by douglas adams

arthur dent is all that remains of earth when an alien race decides to blow the planet up to make way for a galactic superhighway. he is is rescued by his friend, ford prefect, a space traveller from betelgeuse who was stranded on earth where he was conducting research for the titular publication.
this book is hilarious and imaginative. god disappears in a poof of logic, a suicidally depressed robot saves the day, earth is merely a experiment run by superintelligent mice and the president of the galaxy is a two-headed, three-armed idiot.
nothing really comes to a conclusion at the end, but having read the series previously, i'm not in a panic to find out what happens next.
selected quotes:
"Time is an illusion. Lunch doubly so."
"It must be Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays."
"Space," it says, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mindboggingly big it is. I mean you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space."
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
"no country for old men" by cormac mccarthy

prior to this, i had read no other novels by cormac mccarthy. i don't know if his other works use a southern america colloquial, lack punctuation like quotation marks an apostrophes and use plenty o fragments. this style added to the frustration of plodding through the bleak landscape of this novel which is filled with simple, yet strikin images, stark violence an, at time, a biblical like tone.
i’m sure most people already know the story. one day llewelyn moss is huntin in the texas desert when he comes across a whack of dead bodies, a truck load of heroin an over two million dollars. he takes the money an is, from that point on, on the run from a merciless killer (anton chigurh) after the money, an the law tryin to get to him before the killer does.
with the recent coen brother’s adaptation of this novel onto the big screen, it was interestin to note the differences an similarities between the book an the movie. the most notable difference is of the character of sheriff bell, who, in the film, is a minor character; his quiet search pushed aside by the dramatics of the moss and chigurh chase. in the book, the sheriff is the central character, having beautifully melancholic monologues between each chapter which give his history and reactions to the bloodshed that’s part of his job. these monologues make sense of the title as he struggles with how times are a changin an he’s no longer cut out for law enforcement.
once i got the hang o this book, i enjoyed it. because it took me so long to get into, i had the urge to go back an re-read the first 150 pages. i’ll suffice with seein’ the movie again when it comes out on video.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
"white teeth" by zadie smith

"white teeth" is essentially the story of two families; the joneses and the iqbals. the patriarch's, archie and samad, met during world war ii and the book follows their lives in a north london suburb.
while this book was harder to get through than "on beauty" and veers off into an occasional tangent, it was a worthwhile and meaty read.