odysseus has fought for ten years in the trojan war and is now on his way home. however, before he can get there, he is held captive by the lovely nymph, calypso, has to fight the cyclops, get past the beautiful and deadly sirens, travel to the underworld to speak with a dead prophet, outwit the monsters charybdis and scylla and a whole host of other seemingly impossible tasks that make my schoolwork seem like paint-by-numbers.
i was dreading this book, but it turned out to be a lot more accessible than i thought. i could actually follow the story and with the one undergrad course i took in greek mythology, found myself recognizing characters and situations.
i may feel differently about this story after i spend the next two weeks reading about the penelopian aesthetics so i can deliver a seminar on gendered readings of this text, but as a pure piece of entertainment, it was worth the time spent reading.
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